sobota, 25 listopada 2017


Challenge Building 

Activity steps:

• Divide the children into groups of five.
• Each child is given a challenge:
• One has his/her hands tied behind his/her back
• One is wearing a blindfold
• One is not allowed to speak
• One is wearing earplugs (or covers his/her ears with their hands)
• One has his/her legs tied together
• The groups need to work together to build a copy of a simple model that you have built beforehand. • The model can be placed on a desk in front of the group or you can hide it behind a screen, and only the child with his/her hands tied is allowed to come and see it.
• End the activity with a reflection on how it felt to have the different challenges.

source: the same as challenge/day 6 this calendar

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tree and ornaments Happy Christmas!!!