Memory Game
Skills practised
You will challenge your working memory .
This skill allows
us to hold information in our minds and to mentally
work with it. We use it for tasks like remembering steps
in a plan, connecting two ideas or combining words into
whole sentences while we read.
Try this:
• Spread your six bricks out in front of you
• Study the picture on this card for 3 seconds,
then put it away
• Build the model from memory
• Can you do this activity in teams?
Six Bricks
Six Bricks is one of the LEGO Foundation’s tools to introduce learning
through play into different settings. Through fun, short and playful
activities with sets of LEGO® DUPLO® bricks in six bright colours,
children practice a range of skills.
source: the LEGO Fundation, Six Bricks Activity Card
Find more memory games with lego: memory games